Las Vegas is changing. Las Vegas is growing. The Sin City is becoming more than just a quick tourist attraction; it is becoming the next major city in the U.S and cannabis is a driving force of that pendulum swing. They are already known as one of the biggest parties in the entire world, now Las Vegas is on its way to becoming one of the biggest cities in the world.

Las Vegas is growing in popularity. According to a Forbes article published in 2018, Las Vegas is the 6th fastest growing city in the United States. Forbes also published an article in December where Las Vegas was the 4th most visited city in North America. With the additions of cannabis and professional sports, Las Vegas saw the 13th most significant job growth in the U.S over 2018.
I talked with a few Cultivate employees about the growth of Las Vegas, and the impact cannabis has had on the city.

“It is growing, and I think cannabis will continue to have a positive impact on the growth of the city, it is only a matter of time before we get cannabis-themed lounges, and to me, that is the direction in which we are heading towards,” said General Manager of Cultivate Matt McClure.
Cultivate is the closest dispensary to the strip and its location near Chinatown is the well in tuned with the 24/7 nature that Las Vegas exudes. Nightlife is what gets the headlines, but that extends beyond the tourist. A 24/7 nightlife means a 24-hour work cycle as well. It is why dispensaries such as Cultivate stay open 24 hours so workers that need relief after work can conveniently pick up their cannabis needs.

“This city doesn’t sleep, and everyone runs on different schedules so that some people will need different things at different times. That 24/7 lifestyle makes the cannabis experience in Las Vegas unique compared to other cities.” McClure said. The uniqueness of cannabis use sticks out in a town that is already known for bringing so much to the party. Cannabis is just the latest seed that is blossoming in a city that is breaking new ground every day. Celebrities are now taking up residence on the Las Vegas Strip, and it will be interesting to see if others soon follow. Nearly two years ago cannabis was legalized in Nevada, and it was the first step of growth
for a city that has done nothing but flourishes.
“We see the growth of the city, and as Las Vegas grows we hope our influence on the cannabis market continues to grow with it,” said McClure.
For those in the Vegas area that are looking to purchase cannabis, Cultivate is located on Spring Mountain Rd right before Chinatown. It is the closest dispensary to the Strip and is open 24/7. Visit CultivateLV.com for more details.