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How to Workout with CBD and Cannabis

The popularity and demand for cannabidiol and CBD products have grown exponentially through the past number of years and for good reason. This already goes without saying that CBD oil has tons of health benefits. Apart from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, this hemp-derived compound also acts as a great solution for relieving pain, anxiety, migraines, and a slew of other health concerns and issues. In fact, a study conducted in 2017 found that cannabidiol has significantly reduced the blood pressure of participants.

Given the numerous benefits of CBD, leveraging its effectiveness and potency for working out may yield great outcomes. Apart from enhancing a person’s recovery time, CBD oil also has the capacity to relieve sore muscles and body pain brought about by working out.

Cannabidiol and the Science Behind It

Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, is one of the many (read: more than 100) chemical compounds found inside cannabis plants. Without the psychoactive properties of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), this compound is safe for consumption without users feeling like they are under the influence or feeling like they’re intoxicated with any negative side effects.

Instead, cannabidiol oil binds with the endocannabinoid system and its receptors found within the body, thus helping address pain and anxiety within the body.

CBD Oil and Workouts

If you are incorporating CBD products to fit in your active lifestyle and your workout sessions, you have to ensure that cannabidiol is legal in your state. Likewise, it’s advised that users consume a much larger or higher dose to get the full effects of CBD after working out to aid in the recovery of the body and its muscles.

Apart from consuming cannabidiol, athletes and other fitness enthusiasts who are keen on getting the benefits of the plant may also use topical ointments and creams to directly rub and address pain within their body. Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects can help soothe your sore muscles after the workout.

In addition to consuming after the workout, this compound can also work with your pre-workout routine. This cannabinoid can give you clarity of mind, reduce physical stress and boost your energy. When taken before the activity, you can expect not only to have improved energy levels but also enhanced focus and alertness to help you keep going. This is important especially as you may be dealing with heavy workout equipment.

Athletes and Cannabidiol

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has recently revised its rules regarding cannabidiol. It is now approved for use even in competition. However, remember that WADA prohibits other cannabinoids such as natural and synthetics THC, as well as other compounds that replicate the effects of this psychoactive chemical.

Athletes, who often undergo intense training and workout routine, uses CBD products such as soft gels and topical creams to treat chronic pain. This applies to muscle pains experienced by athletes after performing in the field. In fact, some even use it as a replacement for ibuprofen as it is seen as a more natural and safer alternative.

Because of its stress- and anxiety-relieving properties, it is also used by athletes to minimize game-day stress. Such stress can negatively affect a player’s performance, and with the help of CBD, they can reduce the possibility of this happening.


Cannabidiol is known for its wide variety of medicinal effects. Individuals who workout can benefit from the benefits it has to offer, just like how professional athletes use this compound to their advantage. If you work out regularly and you are looking for ways to improve your experience, you should definitely look into consuming this chemical compound.

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