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Star Signs and Cannabis Strains: March 2021 Horoscopes

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Happy March, Star Gazers! Now that we’ve passed the free-trial period of 2021, it’s time to get down to the business of self-loving and self-care. Sure, those are year-round goals but you can really hone in on them this month thanks to some powerful celestial events.

Mars enters into Gemini on March 4 for a hefty dose of chaotic energy. There’s a new moon in Pisces on March 13. Take some space for yourself in the middle of the month to sort through how much of this baggage is actually trash. Mercury is in Pisces on March 15 and is finally direct month the whole month!

What a relief, huh? The Spring Equinox and the start of Aries Season fall on March 20. Channel all of this forward motion and change into doing nice things for yourself as often as you can in this month!


Happy Spring, Pisces! There’s a lot going on in your sign this month. First though, things kick off with Mars in Gemini on March 4. This period might be a little chaotic, but it will be brief, and thanks to all of the planets being in direct motion until late April, you’ll be looking straight ahead the rest of the month.

On March 13 there is a new moon in your sign. Lots of positive, giving energy to go around during the middle of the month. Mercury also saunters into your sign on March 15. This refreshing period all culminates with the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season on March 20. Out with the old, in with the new! Water your plants, grow something fresh in a garden or pot. Move your furniture around a little. You’ll be amazed at what kind of changes this can stir up.

March strain: Show your reverence for the Green by packing a bowl of Royal Highness. This hybrid strain has nearly a perfect, balanced ratio of CBD to THC. Users report it helps relieve symptoms like pain and anxiety, and that its sweet aroma is soothing. Spark a joint and get ready to binge-watch a new show, or, say you will, and then take a nap instead.  


Happy March, happy spring, and happy birthday to some of you Rams! This is shaping up to be a great Aries season. From now until late April, all of the planets are in direct motion. This means now is the perfect time to shoot your shot! Keep looking straight ahead and make those big moves in business and in your personal affairs.

We kick off Aries season on March 20. Then, on March 28 we have a full moon in Libra. You might feel a pull to keep things surface level, especially where romance is concerned. Don’t be afraid to dig just a little bit deeper towards the end of the month. Spark a birthday joint! You deserve to be celebrated.

March strain: For a spark of creativity try some Lavender Jones. This hybrid is not only pleasing to the eye with its purples and deep greens, but it also perfectly couples deep, relaxing indica effects with the subtle cerebral effects of a sativa strain. Users report this strain sneaks up on you, so beginners should tread carefully!


Happy March, Bulls! This is a very forward-thinking month. All planets are in direct motion until late April. Your ruler, Venus, enters Aries on March 21. If you’re feeling flirty around the middle of the month, this is probably why. Your confidence will be contagious, too.

There is a full moon in Libra on March 28. You may be inclined to keep things simple around this time. That’s okay and it’s good to take breaks for your mental health this month. Just remember not to go too deep into your shell. Enjoy these last days of winter before Taurus season is upon you.

March strain: This month feels like a great time for delicacies. Pack a bowl of Layer Cake and be sure to light it with your pinky up for that extra bourgeoisie feeling. This hybrid strain seamlessly combines feelings of euphoria and relaxation for a very mellow, yet creative buzz. Users report this strain crushes their anxiety and packs a punch.


Happy Spring, Gem! Things start off with a bang as Mars goes into your sign on March 4. This will be a super charismatic period for you. Your energy will be a gift to those around you. Just be sure to save some for yourself.

The Spring Equinox is on March 20. A time of renewal and longer, sunnier days is ahead. Venus enters Aries on March 21. Get ready for passion, both good and bad, to make its way to your front door. Steer clear of petty disagreements and the rest should be smooth sailing.

March strain: Like the name suggests, Platinum Punch is a fruity, delicious, powerful hybrid strain that can help you get well-acquainted with your couch. Users report that it melts away the cares of the world.


Happy March, Cancers! This is shaping up to be an especially warm (at least emotionally speaking) month for you. On March 4 Mars enters Gemini. This can be a briefly chaotic time, so don’t commit to anything too wild or spur-of-the moment. For instance, maybe just avoid tattoo appointments all together on March 4.

Your ruler, the moon, is new on March 13 in Pisces and will be full on March 28 in Libra. The period between this time should be especially stable. Take time to grow and nourish something. Maybe plant something new at the beginning of Aries season and the Spring Equinox on March 20. Take a photo of whatever you chose to plant and put it somewhere visible as a reminder that things grow and all things are in transit, just like you — a skeleton trucking along on this wet rock in the middle of space.

March strain: If you’re running low on energy this month, try some Power Plant. This is an incredibly energizing and cerebral sativa strain. Users report that this bud allows them to be clear-headed as they dive into creative pursuits. This is green is a wonderful companion for a Sunday afternoon art session.


Happy Spring, Lions! The sunny days you crave are just around the bend, and this month is shaping up to be a solid start to a new season. It all kicks off on March 4 with Mars in Gemini. This period could be a little more chaotic than usually, but that’s okay. Some innocent chaos could liven up your social circle.

There is a new moon in Pisces on March 13. Be gentle with yourself during this sensitive period. You’re doing your level best in a truly trying timeline. March 20 is the beginning of Aries season and the Spring Equinox. Tidy your collectibles, rotate some of your favorite items to new rooms or spaces. Try on a new style. The full moon in Libra rounds out the month with some simplicity and peace.

March strain: If things are feeling a little bland, try some Sweet Tooth this month. This indica strain offers strong body and mood-boosting effects. Users report this strain is great for headaches and stress.


Happy March, Virgo! Celebrate the arrival of more sun, flowers, and birds singing outside by honoring your own place in the sacred nature of these things. This month has a lot of powerful forward motion to look forward to. March 4 kicks it off with Mars entering Gemini. This could be a briefly chaotic period but don’t sweat it too much. Keep your eyes forward. Your ruler, Mercury, is in direct motion all month and enters Pisces on March 15. Creativity abounds! Make the most of it.

The Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season both fall on March 20. Chances to refresh and reset will be everywhere. Make the most of all this freshness by investing in your own innate worth this month! You’re the bees knees, Virgo. Now get out there and grow.   

March strain: Time for some relaxation, Virgo! Purple Sunset, as the name might imply, is an incredibly calming indica strain. Users report that its effects are perfect for winding down at the end of a stressful day at the office or at home.


It’s nearly spring, Libra! This month is shaping up to be a good one for you. It all starts with Mars entering Gemini on March 4. A little bit of chaos early in the month, but nothing you can’t handle. Just don’t engage in any petty disagreements. On March 13 there is a new moon in Pisces. Creativity will be at its peak around this time.

The Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season both fall on March 20. Your ruler, Venus, enters Aries on March 21 for just the kind of fiery passion you’ve been looking for. Channel it into your romantic life or artistic pursuits for full effect. Finally, the month rounds off with a full moon in your sign on March 28. Take the high road this month and you will really enjoy the view.

March strain: If you’re up for a bit of adventure this month, try some Red Dragon. This hybrid strain produces strong, uplifting cerebral effects. But, be warned that many users report this strain can produce intense feelings of paranoia. So, if you’re willing to tackle the drag, this strain might be for you!


Happy Spring, Scorpio! March is looking solid for you. All of the planets are in direct motion until late April. This will offer up perhaps the most clarity and forward-thinking energy you’ve seen in a while. Use this to its fullest extend you Zodiac babe! The month starts with a bit of chaotic energy as your ruler, Mars, enters Gemini on March 4.

Hang tight, because this period doesn’t last long. On March 13 there is a new moon in Pisces. Take a chance on a new album or book. It might not seem like much but this could catapult you onto bigger and better projects.

The Spring Equinox and the beginning of Aries season both fall on March 20. Rejoice! Sun is coming! Flowers will bloom and, someday soon we will be able to embrace faces we haven’t seen in a very long time. Keep the faith, Scorpio. It’s going to be a powerful month of direction and purpose.

March strain: Sit back and refresh yourself with a bowl full of Black Cherry Soda. This hybrid strain is fruity and sweet and produces balanced mind-body effects. That said, this one packs a wicked punch which is what makes it a favorite amongst patients who are looking to treat intense symptoms throughout the day. So, stream a good show and let the good times roll.


Spring is nearly sprung, Sag! And what a spring it will be. Things kick off on March 4 with Mars in Gemini. This might be a slightly chaotic time, but if you buckle up and keep yourself busy you should emerge relatively unscathed. On March 13 there is a new moon in Pisces. Creatives will be especially impowered to take on new projects during the middle of the month.

All planets are in direct motion until late April, and with the arrival of Aries season and the Spring Equinox on March 20, you’ll be presented with ample opportunity to shape the purpose and the direction of your life for the long-term future. A word of advice? Purpose isn’t synonymous with capital. Your purpose on this planet is not to crank out endless overtime and breaking yourself down for companies and people that won’t think twice about hiring someone else in your place. Know your worth you absolute Zodiac babe!

March strain: Don’t let the name fool you, Vanilla Kush isn’t your everyday strain. This bud took second in the “overall” category at the 2009 High Times Cannabis Cup. This indica offers sweet aromas and subtle body effects. Users report it helps get them to sleep.


Happy March, Caps! Spring is here, things are starting to look up. The month kicks off with Mars in Gemini on March 4. Expect some chaotic, but potentially exciting developments in your social circle. This will be a brief period before more stability arrives.

All planets are in direct motion until late April. Use this forward-thinking energy to craft some plans for yourself. If you could take money out of the equation, what would you be doing right now?

March 20 is both the start of Aries season and the Spring Equinox. Make a list of some habits that you would like to break or are holding you back. Work through that list as the month progresses and you’ll have a truly delightful spring season ahead.

March strain: What’s better for a bubbly personality like you, Cap, than Pink Champagne? Pack a bowl of this delicious indica for powerful, sedating effects. Users report this bud tastes like grapes and berries and offers a near-instant buzz.


Happy Spring, Aquarius! This is going to be a delightful and relatively stress-free month. All plants are in direct motion until late April. This will bring the harmony and balance you’ve been deeply craving for a while — especially where money and love are concerned.

On March 13 there will be a new moon in Pisces and on March 15 Mercury also enters Pisces. So, the middle of the month will feature a lot of generous, vivacious, creative energy to go around. Take this opportunity to try new foods and music. It might just inspire you to take on something big and exciting.

The Spring Equinox and Aries season officially kick off on March 20. Clear out closets and old emotions that aren’t serving you anymore. Investing in yourself during this time will pay off the entire season and beyond.

March strain: When you pack a bowl of Liberty Haze, you’re in the presence of royalty. This hybrid winner of the 2011 High Times Cannabis Cup offers a citrus taste and buzzy cerebral effects. Users report it’s a great companion for chill weekends.

 Via Leafly (https://www.leafly.com/news/strains-products/star-signs-cannabis-strains-horoscopes-march-2021)

Keep Out Of Reach Of Children For Use Only By Adults 21 Years Of Age Or Older


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