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How to Roll a Perfect Blunt: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is a blunt?

A blunt is to a joint what a cigar is to a cigarette. Or more simply, it is a cigar that has been emptied of its loose-leaf tobacco and filled with cannabis. While not quite as iconic as the standard joint, the cultural significance of the blunt cannot be ignored.

Many prefer the added buzz created by the mix of cannabis and its tobacco wrap, while others appreciate the variety of flavors available in a lot of cigarillos and blunt wraps.

Rolling a blunt has its own issues, as opposed to rolling a joint, so to help you roll up your own, we’ve prepared a simple guide to blunt rolling.

Advantages of smoking a blunt

People tend to either love or hate blunts. The main complaint against them is they have tobacco and can make for a harsh smoke.

Some reasons people prefer blunts are:

  • Heightened effects: the tobacco adds a buzziness and energy to your high
  • Flavor and aroma: some people love the smell of a burning blunt, especially if you use a nice cigar or a flavored blunt wrap
  • Portable: like joints, you can take a blunt anywhere
  • Slow burn: Blunts burn slower than joints, so they last a lot longer in your smoking circle

    Get your materials for rolling a blunt

    Start by gathering the necessary supplies:

    • Cannabis strain of choice
    • Cigar, cigarillo, or blunt wrap
    • Grinder and blade are optional, but may be helpful for those new to rolling

    Any cigar or cigarillo will do, but we recommend one that isn’t completely dried out, as it’ll break easier and be harder to roll. These days you can usually find blunt wraps at any corner store, which are like one giant rolling paper made out of tobacco.

    Common cigarillos you can find at most corner stores are:

    • Swisher Sweets
    • Black & Mild
    • Phillies
    • Dutch Masters
    • White Owl

    How much weed should you put in a blunt?

    Blunts are bigger than your average joint so you’ll need more weed. Typically, 1-2 grams should be enough for one blunt, but if you are using a big cigar, you may need more. Consider how many people will be in your smoking circle.

    How to roll a blunt

    Step 1: Grind your cannabis

    how to roll a blunt

    Break down your cannabis into shake using a grinder or your hands. Using a grinder will help maintain an even burn, while using your hands is the more traditional method and is often preferred to help the blunt burn a little slower.

    Step 2: Prep the blunt wrap

    how to roll a bluntTo roll your blunt you’ll need a tobacco wrap. Traditionally, connoisseurs will empty a cigarillo (like Swisher Sweets, Phillies, or Backwoods), but these days you can find empty wraps at the corner store.

    Use a blade to cut the blunt lengthwise, or if you’ve got the right touch you can “crack” the blunt using your fingers.

    Once you’ve split the blunt, empty the tobacco from the middle and discard (or if you like to smoke spliffs, save it for later).

    Step 3: Wet the tobacco wrap

    how to roll a blunt

    Using just a little bit of moisture will make your blunt wrap easier to work with, shape, and help seal up any small tears that might occur while you’re emptying its tobacco innards. This is easily done with some saliva, but if you’re rolling this blunt for someone else, you might consider using the tip of your finger and some tap water.

    Step 4: Fill it up

    Fill the empty tobacco wrapping with ground cannabis. For a standard size cigarillo one to two grams is plenty, though if you’re sharing your blunt, are an experienced roller, or are using a blunt wrap, you should be able to fit a fair amount more.

    Step 5: Roll the blunt wrap

    how to roll a blunt

    Roll the cannabis between your fingers to pack the blunt evenly. Be careful: if you didn’t moisten the wrap enough, it may crack.

    Once you’ve packed and shaped your blunt, tuck the wrap under itself and wet the inside of the exposed edge from end to end. Use your fingers to smooth out any wrinkles.

    Tip: If you poke a hole or if the blunt cracks while you’re working with it, you can use the gummy adhesive from a rolling paper to repair it.

    Step 6-7: Bake the blunt and enjoy!

    how to roll a blunt

    Now that your blunt is rolled, you’ll want to “bake” or dry it to help seal it together and encourage an even burn. Bake your blunt by running a lighter lengthwise under the seam and around the outside. Be careful not to hold the lighter too close—you only want the heat, not the flame.

    Now that you’ve got your blunt rolled, all that’s left is to light the end and enjoy with some friends!

     via https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-roll-blunt-step-by-step-guide) 

    Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older.


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