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How To Make An Apple Bong?


An apple bong is a homemade pipe constructed from an apple that is used to smoke cannabis. Apple bongs are considered one of the healthier options for DIY smoking devices, especially when compared to constructing pipes of tin foil or soda cans. Discreet and inexpensive, the apple bong is a favorite of cannabis consumers who have no papers or pipes, those who want to easily dispose of consumption evidence, or those who don’t want to go through the hassle of cleaning a bong. Read on to learn how to make your own apple bong.


Crafting an apple bong may seem complex, but in just a few simple steps you will soon be smoking cannabis out of your own healthy fruit. Here’s how to create your own classic apple pipe:

1. Assemble the necessary supplies. You’ll need an apple, a toothpick, a clean screwdriver, a knife, your favorite cannabis strain, and a lighter.

Assemble the necessary supplies. (Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps)

2. First, remove the apple stem, by either using your fingers to twist it out or cutting it out with a knife. Make sure to remove the entire stem down to its base.

3. Use a toothpick to make a preliminary hole at the top of the apple, where you just removed the stem. Poke a few holes to about halfway down inside the apple and set the toothpick aside.

4. Push the screwdriver through the toothpick holes you made in the top of the apple. Twist the screwdriver back and forth to create a clear pathway to the center of the apple down to about half an inch from the bottom of the fruit.

Push the screwdriver through the top of the apple. (Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps)

5. Remove the screwdriver. Take out the apple core and dispose of it.

6. Using the screwdriver, poke a second hole about half an inch from the bottom of the apple and push toward the center of the fruit. The goal is to make this pathway meet the first hole you made, as this is the opening from which you’ll inhale your cannabis.

7. Using the screwdriver, make a third hole, about an inch from the top of the apple on the opposite side of the mouth opening. Push the screwdriver into the apple until it meets the center chamber you’ve created. This hole acts as the carb, so it should be in a place that’s convenient for when you light up.

8. Optionally, use a knife to carve out a wider, hollow bowl shape into the top of the apple, where the first hole was built. While the apple’s top should be big enough to hold your bud, widening the bowl lets you customize your bowl size.

9. Pack the top with your favorite cannabis strain.

Pack the top with your favorite cannabis strain. (Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps)

10. Now it’s time to use your apple pipe. Hold the apple in one hand with your finger covering the carb and use your other hand to light the greens, pulling the hit through the hole near the bottom of the apple.

Hold the apple in one hand with your finger covering the carb and use your other hand to light the greens, pulling the hit through the hole near the bottom of the apple. (Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps)


Apple bongs are well-known for their discretion and easy disposal characteristics. Apples are also incredibly inexpensive and make for a good substitute when rolling papers or a personal pipe aren’t available or accessible. Cannabis consumers also don’t lose THC resin to glass in the same way as a traditional bong, so you get more THC bang for your buck and don’t have to deal with the hassle of cleaning your pipe after use. Finally, you theoretically could eat the apple once you’re done smoking — though we wouldn’t recommend it.

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