Alcohol sales are off-limits in Connecticut on Thanksgiving—but marijuana sales are just fine—according to guidance issued on Wednesday by the state’s Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).
Liquor stores will be closed, grocery stores can’t sell beer and even breweries and restaurants are prohibited from selling carry-out drinks. Marijuana retailers, however, can remain open.
After apparent confusion over the two policies—with at least one local news outlet mistakenly reporting that sales of both alcohol and cannabis would be paused—DCP issued a clarification stating that “all cannabis establishments may remain open on Thanksgiving Day.”
“Cannabis sales at all licensed establishments are allowed on Thanksgiving Day,” the notice says. “Any reporting to the contrary is incorrect and should be disregarded.”
Marijuana stores are, of course, allowed to set different hours for the holiday if they choose to. On that front, DCP advised customers to check with retailers directly.
As for alcohol, on-premises service is allowed Thursday at restaurants and bars that are open, DCP said, but consumers hoping to have drinks on hand for their Thanksgiving celebrations at home will need to pick those up in advance.
Beginning next month, meanwhile, Connecticut adults will be able to buy twice as much marijuana in a single transaction as they currently can. Under a recent change announced by DCP, recreational purchases will be limited to a half ounce of marijuana, up from the current limit of a quarter ounce.
Regulators said the adjustment was the result of ongoing review of available supply and demand in the state.
Sales of adult-use cannabis have grown steadily in the state this year even as medical marijuana sales have slowed. Last month, retailers sold a record $14.7 million worth of recreational products. In fact, every single month since Connecticut’s adult-use market opened in January has set a new record for sales.
Ben Adlin via (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/connecticut-marijuana-dispensaries-can-open-on-thanksgiving-but-liquor-stores-must-close-state-officials-say/)
Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age and older.