Welcome to Cultivate... Spring Mountain - 3615 Spring Mountain Rd Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-3:00 AM Durango - 7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
Welcome to Cultivate... Spring Mountain - 3615 Spring Mountain Rd Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-3:00 AM Durango - 7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
cultivate logo

Members earn 1 point for every $1 spent (no limit) on eligible purchases. Qualifying purchases include merchandise, product, paraphernalia, and exclude sales tax, state fees, or other excluded charges specified by us from time-to-time.

Redemptions cannot be applied to any daily deals or promotional products.

We reserve the right to make certain rewards or offers redeemable only in-store or online depending on the offering.

Only 1 redemption is permitted, per transaction.

Only 1 phone number and email address may be used for each account.

Rewards cannot be redeemed for cash.

Product rewards will consist of personalized discounts, product recommendations, tickets to events, and more!

If you have downloaded our app onto your personal device, your total points and applicable rewards will be listed for your view.

If you have not downloaded our app, and request this information, please contact our store for further assistance.

Our app is available on both Android and iOS devices. Simply search, “Cultivate Dispensary Las Vegas” and download from there.

We reserve the right to make certain rewards or offers redeemable only in-store or online depending on the offering.

Once you accumulate the applicable amount of points, you are eligible to redeem them for product rewards with any purchase online or in-store.

To redeem online, please contact one of our associates for assistance as the redemption process may be different depending on the platform you are making your purchase through.

To redeem in-store, Select “redeem” and proceed to your shopping cart.

Only 1 redemption is permitted per transaction.

Yes. Points will expire 365 days after your last purchase making you an inactive customer. For example, if you shop with us on 02/17/2024, and you do not make another purchase within the next year, any accumulated points will be removed from your account.

Rewards, benefits and points earned have no cash value, are non-transferable and you have no property rights in any rewards, benefits and points

No. Accounts, program rewards, benefits, and points cannot be shared or combined. Only the member paying for the products and engaging with the brand may accumulate rewards, benefits, and points.

In addition to this, only 1 phone number or email address can be utilized and associated with a user’s profile.

If you cancel an online order or further return a product, points used during the initial transaction will be returned to your account 1-3 business days after the return or cancellation.

If you believe you are missing points from a recent or previous purchase, please call the store in which the purchase was made. A manager will review and adjust your account accordingly.

We reserve the right, without notice, to cancel or reduce the quantity of any order to be filled and/or any products or services to be provided to you that we believe, in our sole discretion, may result in the violation of the program.

Marijuana Dispensary, Dispensary Near Me, Cannabis Delivery, Weed Near Me & Weed Store Las Vegas, NV, North Las Vegas, NV, Spring Valley, NV, Paradise, NV & Corn Creek, NV

Dispensary Near Me in Las Vegas, NV | Cannabis Store North Las Vegas, NV | Cannabis Delivery Spring Valley, NV

Recreational DispensaryCannabis DeliveryDispensary Near MeMarijuana DispensaryWeed Near Me ∴ North Las Vegas, NV ∴ Las Vegas, NV ∴ Paradise, NV

Shop by location

Spring Mountain

3615 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas, NV 89102

North Durango

7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Las Vegas, Nevada 89149


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Paradise, NV

Las Vegas, NV

Corn Creek, NV

Spring Valley, NV

North Las Vegas, NV